Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So, I started L.J. Smith's newest Vampire Diaries book on Monday night...and I don't know if I can finish it. The tone is totally different, to the point that it almost feels (to me) like it was written by a different author.

Now I have been keeping in mind the fact that it's been 18 years since the original Diaries were published. So I'm willing to suspend my disbelief enough to allow her to include new technology that wasn't popular back then (cell phones, laptops). But the characters sound completely different, and the story is going in a direction that is completely separate from the original four books.

I'm so disappointed! I was so excited for this book and could barely reread the other four fast enough to start the new one. But I'm setting it aside for the time being. Maybe if I distance myself from the original books I'll be able to return to this one in a few weeks or months.


Anonymous said...

I hate it when good books go bad. There are several series I left unfinished because there's always one book that is the turning point. A character will do something inconsistent, or "out of character", or the plots will start to become repetitive; same story, different location, names have been changed, etc... at some point they just all become less "believable".

Unknown said...

swg...I'm sorry! I had a similar experience with the book "Time Travellers Wife" I must have put that book down 1/2 dozen times, even reading other books-while ignoring this book I have been longing to read. Finally (a year and a half later) I picked up the book, finished it and felt it was blah!
Perhaps you will read this book at some point, and maybe you won't. Good news-there are oodles of awesome books out there to read!!!!


Cupcake Blonde said...

Maybe there is a chance that the author did pass away and they are trying to pass off someone else's work as hers. Which would be infortunate. It does seem odd that she was off the scene for almost two decades...

Did you hear that the CW has picked up a show based on the Vampire Diaries? I haven't started them yet but are very excited to!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Oh and I gave them to my BFF too so I will let you know what she thinks. We held off on getting the new one until after we have read the first four.

jellybean said...

i know what you mean. i was wondering if this is how it would turn out. just b/c it's been so long since the others came out.
maye if you just take a little time and revisit the book later it'll seem better.

Courtney said...

That totally sucks. It could be like VP said... she could have passed away and someone is writing for her? I know with V.C. Andrews that happened. The last half of her books were written by her son or something like that.